STEG Master Stroke MSK Classe A 2 channel amplifier


Steg Masterstroke MSK Classe A


Sale info

  • Condition: New
  • Sale type: BTW/21%
  • Stock : 2 -3 days extra delivery time


  • Negative and class A processes have technically only been found on the home hi-fi market until now. STEG presents a surprising debugging tool that can be used to improve the sound of the amplifier and enhance audiophile sensitivity.
  • The "CLASS A" is built using state-of-the-art technology and expresses itself in the Bel Sound from Car Audio. Sound consistency, sweetness and three-dimensionality of the sound stage make for an enchanting listening experience.


  • Preamplifier with very high power (Burr-Brown)
  • SANK output transistor
  • Gold-plated PCB / transfer rails / RCA and power connectors
  • GRIPS noise protection circuit
  • HERZ - Highly efficient class A control technology
  • No negative feedback
  • Adaptation of the working class and the dynamic reserve
  • Straight-in technology
  • Low tolerance of passive components
  • High quality of the materials used
  • PRHESS - Primary regulated high-efficiency supply system
  • Protection system
  • "INTELLISPEED" - Power controller for intelligent cooling fans


  • 2-channel amplifier
  • Class-A
  • Power 4 Ohm stereo - 11 to 14.4 Volt 2x 100 Watt RMS
  • Power 2 Ohm stereo - 11 to 14.4 Volt 2x 200 Watt RMS
  • Input sensitivity: 0.4 V - 5.5 V
  • Dimensions: 466 x 60 x 255 mm


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