Payment options
General Payment info
- We offer many payment methods
- Transaction costs (fees) are paid by us. you do not pay any additional payment costs
- IDEAL, Bancontact, Belfius, SEPA manual transaction, Giropay, EPS, KBC/CBC,Apple Pay, Giftcard, PayPal. Creditcard
- Afterpay is also possible with us with Klarna or Pay in 3.
In het Nederlands,
- Bij ons heeft u keuze uit verschillende betaalmogelijkheden.
- Transactiekosten worden door ons vergoed.
- IDEAL, Bancontact, Belfius, SEPA manual transaction, Giropay, EPS, KBC/CBC,Apple Pay, Giftcard, PayPal, Creditcard
- Achteraf betalen is bij ons mogelijk via Klarna of Pay in 3 !