Wondom a2100 / Sure Electronics


Wondom a2100


Sale info

  • Condition: used ( tested / inspected )
  • sale type: margin
  • Stock: shipped within 24 hours


  • Dimensions 21 x 12.5 x 4.8cm
  • Output power 2x100W 6 Ohms
  • Type Class D
  • Input sensitivity Under 6Ω 100W 1kHz, 3.5mm jack: 294mV
  • Under 6Ω 100W 1kHz, RCA: 496mV
  • Sampling rate Up to 96kHz
  • Frequency response 20Hz - 20kHz
  • THD Under 6Ω 100W 1kHz 3.5mm jack: 0.05%
  • Under 6Ω 100W 1kHz RCA: 0.042%
  • 620uV output noise
  • SNR 82W at 6Ω THD+N 1% RCA: 82dB
  • Over/under voltage protections
  • Overcurrent
  • Temperature
  • Power supply Jack 5.5/2.5 DC 12V to 36V


  1. Every used product is tested again before shipment. ( send a whatsapp message if you want to receive a test video)
  2. Do you have questions ? use the whatsapp chatbox for your audio advice  or send e-mail (Contact info page)
  3. Info page > Shipping /  Payment / Warranty<