Behringer MDX4600 Multicom PRO-XL 4-channel compressor/limiter

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Behringer MDX4600 Multicom PRO-XL


Sale info

  • Condition: used ( tested / inspected )
  • sale type: margin
  • Stock: shipped within 24 hours

Product info

  • Each channel has its own settings
    -For both microphones and line signals
    - Interactive knee adaptation (IKA) compression
    - Dynamic enhancer
    - IGC (Interactive gain control)
    - Stereo coupling (1/2 channels or 3/4 channels
    - Rotary knobs and push buttons illuminated
    - Dimensions: 45 x 483 x 217mm


  1. Every used product is tested again before shipment. ( send a whatsapp message if you want to receive a test video)
  2. Do you have questions ? use the whatsapp chatbox for your audio advice  or send e-mail (Contact info page)
  3. Info page > Shipping /  Payment / Warranty<