Hypex FA253 2 x 250 + 100 Watt FusionAmp


Hypex FA253


Sale info

  • Condition: New
  • Sale type: BTW/21%
  • Stock : 2 -3 days extra delivery time


  • Ncore based amplifier technology
  • DSP controlled
  • All-in-one Hypex Solution
  • Neutral and transparent reproduction


  • 15 biquads per amplifier
  • Three selectable presets for filters
  • Source selection
  • Signal detect
  • Auto shutdown
  • BTL capable
  • Clip protect
  • Thermal protect
  • Filter protection

What’s in the box?

  • FA253 FusioAmp
  • A printed copy of the user guide
  • Speaker connection cables
  • EU (or UK) C13 Power cable



  1. Do you have questions ? use the whatsapp chatbox for your audio advice  or send e-mail (Contact info page)
  2. Info page > Shipping /  Payment / Warranty info<