Sundown Audio - SA10 V2 10” subwoofer


Sundown Audio - SA10 V2 10”


Sale info

  • Condition: New
  • Sale type: BTW/21%
  • Stock : 5 - 10 days extra delivery time


  • 10" (25cm) subwoofer
  • Xmax = 19mm one-way by 70% BL
  • RMS Power = 1000 Watt
  • Impedance: D2 or D4
  • Black 2.75-inch aluminum voice coil former for excellent heat dissipation
  • High-temperature copper voice coil wire
  • Large aluminum Faraday ring (magnet ID)
  • Spring-loaded terminals
  • High-strength cast aluminum frame
  • Optimized for small bass reflex enclosures, closed enclosures and bandpass enclosures

Housing recommendation:

  • Closed housing : 14.2 liters
  • Bass reflex enclosure: 28.3 liters
  • Recommended tuning : 35Hz
  • Recommended port area: 96cm²
  • Outer diameter : 27,78 cm
  • Installation diameter : 23.3 cm

Physical Dimensions


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