STEG SDSP 10 8 channel DSP amplifier




Sale info

  • Condition: New
  • Sale type: BTW/21%
  • Stock : 2 -3 days extra delivery time


  • High-end 8-channel amplifier with 10-channel DSP
  • Class: D
  • 8 x 100W RMS @ 4 Ohm
  • 2 x RCA / Cinch input (A/D BurrBrown)
  • 2 x RCA / Cinch output (A/D BurrBrown)
  • 6 x HighLevel Input (200 Ohm) with Auto Turn On
  • 1 x optical SPDIF input (12-96kHz)
  • 1 x coaxial digital input
  • 2 x RCA / Cinch output 5V (D/A BurrBrown)
  • DSP 32Bit, 295 MHz, 48 kHz sampling rate
  • Start-stop capable (max. 5sec down to 6 Volts)
  • Optional control panel, optional operation via BT
  • Dimensions: 281 x 210 x 57.5 mm
  • Inputs for controls:
    • STEG DRC
  • Easy connection in BMW and MERCEDES vehicles with PLUG & PLAY cables to get the best out of your sound!



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