


Sale info

  • Condition: New
  • Sale type: BTW/21%
  • Stock : 2 -4 days extra delivery time


  • Amplifier stacking hardware kit for JL Audio HD and MHD amplifiers
  • With this hardware kit, you can stack one HD or MHD amplifier on top of another. When using several kits, it is possible to stack several HD and MHD amplifiers.
  • The kit contains four specially developed connecting bolts and four threaded alloy stacking caps.


  • Standard mounting: The mounting screws secure the amplifier to the mounting surface and are concealed by the four corner caps, resulting in a very clean appearance.
  • Side mounting feet: Side mounting feet are also supplied with HD amplifiers to provide an alternative mounting option. This can be very useful in applications where space is limited or when mounting multiple HD amplifiers in a stacked configuration.
  • Optional HD stacking kit: Allows stacking of one HD amplifier on top of another HD amplifier (sold separately).


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