JL Audio RBC-1 Remote control / bass remote


JL Audio RBC-1


Sale info

  • Condition: New
  • Sale type: BTW/21%
  • Stock : 2 -4 days extra delivery time


  • The RBC-1 controls the bass level of the following JL Audio amplifiers by remote control:
    • JD series: JD250/1, JD500/1, JD1000/1
    • JX series: JX250/1, JX250/1D, JX500/1, JX500/1D, JX1000/1D
    • HX series: HX300/1 in low-pass mode (Note: M-RBC-1 is also available)
    • MHX series: MHX300/1 in low-pass mode (Note: M-RBC-1 is also available)
    • MX series: MX300/1, MX500/1 in low-pass mode (Note: M-RBC-1 is also available)
    • RD series: RD500/1, RD1000/1, RD1500/1, RD900/5
  • When connected to the above amplifiers, the RBC-1 acts as an attenuator on the input gain of the amplifier and is used to adjust the overall level of the amplifier from the front of the vehicle
  • Wedge+: All models
  • MicroSub+: All models
  • When connected to the above subwoofer systems, the RBC-1 acts as an attenuator on the input gain of the amplifier and is used to adjust the overall level of the amplifier from the front of the vehicle.
  • The RBC-1 remotely controls the bass EQ boost function of the following JL Audio amplifiers:
    • Slash v3 series: 600/1v3, 1200/1v3
    • Slash v2 series: 250/1v2, 500/1v2, 1000/1v2, 450/4v2
    • Slash series: 500/1, 1000/1, 450/4, 500/5
    • G-series: All models
    • A-series: All models
    • e-series: All models (including marine versions)
    • M-Series: M1400, M1700, M2150, M2250, M4300, M4500, M6450, M6600
  • When the RBC-1 is connected to the above amplifiers, the built-in "boost" control of the amplifier is suppressed and the RBC-1 becomes the active controller.
  • The RBC-1 kit contains the rotary control with a black ABS knob, mounting material and a 5.5 m (18 ft.) cable.


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